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Best Practice

On this page we collect tools and methods that are provided by the FU Berlin and beyond that can be useful for your open science practice.

TU Delft Strategic Plan Open Science 2020-2024

With its "Open Science Programme 2020-2024 Research and Education in the Open Era" TU Delft defines Open Science as the default way of practicing research and education. During the major shift from an “information era” to an “open era” the university strives to become a frontrunner in this revolutionary process. The TU Delft Open Science Programme 2020-2024 tackles all areas of scholarly engagement where restrictions limit the flow of academic knowledge. It proposes new approaches to the process of research, education and innovation, with a strong focus on transparency, integrity and efficiency.The programme consists of five interrelated projects: Open Education, Open Access, Open Publishing Platform, FAIR Data, and FAIR Software...

Publishing Policy of Human-Centered Computing Lab

The Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Lab is a research group at the Institute of Computer Science at FU Berlin. The HCC.lab's mission is to design computational systems that enable and augment collaboration between humans and machines. In order to ensure a maximum of openess and availabilty of its research findings the Lab has designed its own Publishing Policy...

Oxford Berlin Summer School Open Research 2019

In the last few years, many novel, often web-based tools and technologies have emerged that allow for a comprehensive representation of the scientific process that goes far beyond descriptions of research methods and results as found in traditional journal articles. However, using these novel tools and technologies in a qualified and responsible manner requires knowledge and skills that are not normally taught in undergraduate or graduate degrees. To close this gap, BIH offers a five-day summer school to guide early career researchers (PhD students and postdocs) towards an open, transparent, and reproducible research workflow...

LMU´s Open Science Toolbox

The Open Science Toolbox can is designed to foster Open Science practices, thus helping to close the intention-action gap when it comes to put OS ideas into practice. It provides a collection of helpful links to tools and resources that researchers can use to make their research more transparent and reproducible. Researchers can browse for resources for every stage of the research process...

Library Carpentry

Library Carpentry is a global community teaching software and data skills to people working in library- and information-related roles.

Toelch, U. & Ostwald, D. (2018): Teaching digital tools for reproducible and transparent research

An important hallmark of science is the transparency and reproducibility of scientific results. Over the last few years, internet-based technologies have emerged that allow for a representation of the scientific process that goes far beyond traditional methods and analysis descriptions. Using these often freely available tools requires a suite of skills that is not necessarily part of a curriculum in the life sciences...