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Who we are


Bildquelle: CC-BY 4.0

We are a group of researchers, educators, students, and librarians who are interested in promoting Open Science at Freie Universität Berlin.

We are looking for like-minded people from all disciplines and parts of the university to exchange open science views, news, and skills. Everyone is welcome!

Our mission

We are committed to opening knowledge as key for collaboration and societal progress. We connect people in order to foster access, reuse, and transparency of research pursuit.

As a community, we:

  • Engage people interested in Open Science by hosting events and workshops.

  • Explore and co-create Open Science practices at Freie Universität Berlin.

  • Advocate for Open Science with local and international stakeholders.

What we do

The members of the Open Science Working Group meet up about once a month to discuss current topics in Open Science, exchange ideas about ongoing projects and to plan events together. We are always open to new members and welcome ideas for additional events and opportunities to work together.

Please visit the group’s wiki for more information.

Join us!

If you want to be in the loop, sign up to our mailing list.

If you want to be in our member list, please add your name here.

If you have a question or ideas regarding specific Open Science related topics, contact open-access@fu-berlin.de.