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The University Management on the Middle East Conflict

Taking a Stand against Hate and Discrimination at Freie Universität Berlin

Email from the Executive Board on Tuesday, December 5, 2023

On December 5, 2023, the members of Freie Universität Berlin's Executive Board sent an email to everyone at our university, in which they emphasized the importance of upholding a campus culture based on mutual respect, open dialogue, and responsibility.

The email mentions, among other things, that: "In order to foster an atmosphere of trust and establish a feeling of security among the members of our community, we have taken it upon ourselves to make the quintessential principles of respectful, open, and responsible dialogue the bedrock of our words and deeds. To put it plainly, we will talk to each other, listen to each other, respect each other, and join together in the pursuit of ideas and solutions."

Freie Universität’s Academic Senate declared its approbation of the email at its assembly meeting on December 6, 2023.

A Conflict with Many Victims

Email from the president of Freie Universität Berlin at the start of the winter semester, Monday, October 16, 2023

The president of Freie Universität welcomed new and returning students to campus for the 2023/2024 winter semester in an email sent out on October 16, 2023. In the email, Professor Günter M. Ziegler also reacted to the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on Israel and expressed his deepest sympathy for everyone affected by the conflict and who is worried about their loved ones, friends, and family back home. “The appalling terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas on Israel in early October and the recent escalation of the situation in the Middle East have affected and continue to affect many students, employees, and instructors at Freie Universität Berlin. Their thoughts are with the many civilian victims that the conflict in Israel and Gaza has already claimed.”

Solidarity with Our Partners in Israel

Statement by Freie Universität Berlin on the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel, Monday, October 9, 2023

Freie Universität Berlin wholeheartedly condemns the attacks carried out by Hamas against Israel. Our sympathy goes out to the countless victims of this war and their relatives and loved ones. In particular, we stand in solidarity with our partner universities and their employees and students, with whom we have developed close friendships and meaningful scientific relationships over the past decades.

Our thoughts are also with the many Israeli students and researchers at Freie Universität who now fear for their relatives and friends back home. Be assured that Freie Universität Berlin stands with you. During this difficult time, we ask all university members to demonstrate solidarity with our Israeli friends and all those who fall victim to the violence unleashed by Hamas.