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Commitment to Sustainable Development

Graduate of Freie Universität Berlin Honored with Excellence Award from Université franco-allemande

№ 377/2011 from Dec 02, 2011

Charlène Cabot, a recent graduate of Freie Universität Berlin, is the recipient of an Excellence Award from Université franco-allemande (UFA).UFA awarded this prize for Charlène Cabot’s master’s thesis "Climate Change and Security Risks: The Influence of Political Factors on Climate-induced Conflict." In her thesis, using West Africa as an example, Cabot shows how an escalation of violence in the context of climate change can be avoided with appropriate policy. The award includes 1500 euros and was presented on the occasion of the 13th German-French Forum, a bi-national tertiary education fair in Strasbourg.

Charlène Cabot earned her degree through the Franco-German double degree master’s program in Political Sciences - Affaires européennes / Affaires internationales that Freie Universität offers in cooperation with its partner university, Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris. The degree program is open to students from Sciences Po Paris and Freie Universität Berlin, as well as students from all over the world. It is a two-year program, the first year being spent in Paris and the second at Freie Universität Berlin. The program can accept 20 graduate students each year. They have an opportunity to earn a Master de Sciences Po in "Relations internationales" or "Affaires Européennes" in addition to a Master of Arts in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin. The program is supported by Université franco-allemande. Charlène Cabot is the second graduate of the program to receive an Excellence Award from Université franco-allemande.

Since 2002 UFA has been honoring its most promising graduates with Excellence Awards in recognition of their outstanding professional and intercultural skills. Each award is sponsored by a company. UFA is a network of over 180 higher education institutions from Germany and France that offer integrated binational and trinational degree programs.

Freie Universität actively promotes the establishment of additional structured international master's and doctoral programs through the Fund for Innovative Mobility Models. Freie Universität actively promotes the establishment of additional structured international master’s and doctoral programs through the Fund for Innovative Mobility Models. Freie Universität also offers collaborative master’s and doctoral degree programs with partner universities in Russia, the Netherlands, Denmark, Mexico, Thailand, and India.

Further Information

Dr. Sabine von Oppeln, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Center for European Integration, Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-55016, Email: oppeln@zedat.fu-berlin.de
