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"fundiert" Research Magazine

The new issue of the research magazine called "fundiert" is devoted to the 70th anniversary of the university's founding.

The new issue of the research magazine called "fundiert" is devoted to the 70th anniversary of the university's founding.
Image Credit: Fritz Eschen

Each issue of fundiert, a research magazine published in German by Freie Universität Berlin, is devoted to a particular theme. Various aspects of the theme are covered, based on research conducted in different departments at Freie Universität.

Through the series readers can gain new insights into the world of research. The printed booklets can be ordered free of charge from the Office of News and Public Affairs.

In November 2005, fundiert received an award for the best German university magazine presented for the first time by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK), the weekly newspaper Die Zeit, and the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Most Recent Issue: "70 Jahre Freie Universität"