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Favorite place at Freie Universität Berlin wanted!

Favorite place wanted!

Favorite place wanted!
Image Credit: Photo: Reinhard Friedrich / Graphics: Elias Domsch

75 years Freie Universität Berlin, 75 years community of students, employees, lecturers, researchers, and alumni. The campus is as multifaceted as the people who have spent or are spending a period of their lives here. We would like to show all of this and find out from you what your favorite place is, what you particularly appreciate about Freie Universität, and how your time here has shaped you.

Below you will find our questionnaire and favorite places to discover.

The project “Favorite place” is a cooperation of the teams Alumni Network, Deutschlandstipendium and Student Marketing. If you have any questions regarding the project, please feel free to contact our team at lieblingsort@kum.fu-berlin.de with the keyword “Lieblingsort”.

Please note that most of the content on this page is only available in German.