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Freie Universität Berlin strives to be a place characterized by a positive work environment where equity is a fundamental value. In this spirit, the university is committed to ensuring that all of its members treat each other respectfully and fairly, foster a supportive atmosphere, and pay attention to how power dynamics and differences impact attitudes and behavior. 

It is in all of our interest to establish this kind of basis for our work together, so that every one of us feels seen and acknowledged as individuals with a specific set of experiences, values, and character traits. In this ideal environment, it is easier for people to cooperate in order to find productive solutions to problems and resolve conflicts peacefully. It also allows individuals to feel more comfortable so that they can flourish in their roles and contribute even more. Treating each other with respect is another way to support the equitable participation of all university members and reinforces gender equity in sustainable and structural ways. 

The basic rule is that all members of Freie Universität are required to act in such a way that they do not discriminate against anyone. There is absolutely no room here for sexualized harassment or violence, bullying or stalking. 

The guiding principle of Freie Universität’s diversity strategy is to elevate the recognition and promotion of diversity, while also giving people the tools they need to be self-critical and sensitive to power dynamics as we work together to dismantle mechanisms of exclusion that stand in the way of diversity. This essentially means that diversity and anti-discrimination are two sides of the same coin.

Treating each other with respect means discrimination, sexualized harassment and violence, bullying, and stalking will not be tolerated. These types of behavior can have long-term negative impacts on a person’s personal development, their self-esteem, as well as their ability to learn, make decisions, and act independently. They are anathema to Freie Universität’s values and expectations. Furthermore, they can be detrimental to people’s relationships, health, and social status. They can damage the quality of person’s studies, their professional performance, and their quality of life. The university is committed to doing everything in its power to prevent such behavior and to protect its members as well as visitors and guests from such actions. 


Freie Universität Berlin aims to establish and promote

  • A constructive work environment characterized by mutual trust and appreciation
  • Respect for one another and the acknowledgment of every individual’s dignity
  • A mode of interacting that is shaped by an awareness of asymmetrical power relations and the ways they can make certain people vulnerable
  • The university’s responsibility as a whole to foster respectful attitudes among its members and to dismantle any and all forms of discrimination
  • A sense of individual responsibility (especially among people in leadership positions) for creating and maintaining a positive and non-discriminatory environment for teaching, studying, and working.