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Research Ethics

What are research ethics?

Whether directly or indirectly, research projects can potentially have a negative impact on humans, animals, the environment, or society. For this reason, researchers must consider the ways in which their research projects could cause damage or injury to third parties. This step allows them to take appropriate precautions when planning research projects in order to prevent damage or minimize the risk thereof. A number of regulations exist to help researchers navigate this difficult issue, which can be summarized under the blanket term “research ethics.”

Many of these regulations represent binding legal requirements on the national (German Animal Welfare Act [Tierschutzgesetz, TSchG]), EU (General Data Protection Regulation), or international level (Nagoya Protocol). Others serve more as guidelines, for example, those published by professional associations or funding organizations. The field of research ethics covers a broad range of topics, from questions on embryonic and stem cell research, to the potential military application of research results (dual use), to the correct way to deal with autocratic states during collaborative research projects.

The following pages provide an overview of the support and advisory services available to you should you have any questions on research ethics at Freie Universität Berlin.