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Claudia Olk

Claudia Olk | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Claudia Olk | Freie Universitaet Berlin

Global Humanities Senior Research and Teaching Stay at Harvard
September 2014

Claudia Olk is professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Peter Szondi-Institute, Freie Universitaet Berlin, and president of the German Shakespeare Association. She habilitated at the Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin (2006), and obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Münster (1999). Her publications include: Virginia Woolf and the Aesthetics of Vision, Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 2014; Neuplatonismus und Ästhetik, co-ed. with Verena Lobsien, Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2007; Reisen und Erzählen. Studien zur Entwicklung von Fiktionalität in narrativen Reisedarstellungen in der englischen Literatur des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Trier: WVT, 1999.