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DAAD, Fulbright, and Other Programs

Die Freie Universität zählt bundesweit zu den beliebtesten Hochschulen für DAAD-Stipendiaten aus dem Ausland.

Freie Universität is one of the most popular universities in Germany for DAAD scholarship holders from abroad.
Image Credit: Sebastian Schobbert

A big welcome to all students who are arriving at Freie Universität Berlin in the framework of the DAAD Program, the Fulbright Program, or under the auspices of other agreements.

After nomination through an exchange program, foreign students will receive information from the International Student Office regarding the Distributed Campus Portal, a multi-media online portal which is a source of much additional information regarding the German university system, student life in Berlin, and an online German course offering themes such as federalism.

Important notice for prospective exchange students: Please be aware that you cannot apply directly for placement as an exchange student, but must instead be nominated by one of our partner organizations.

General Information:


Mrs. Carmen Gleisenstein
Student Mobility Unit
Student Service Center
Iltisstr. 4
14195 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0)30 838-70000
Email: info-service@fu-berlin.de