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Vortrag | ENTFÄLLT: Gender Lunch Talk: Özge Yaka (Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften)

30.11.2023 | 12:30 - 13:30

Fighting for the River: Gender, Body, and Agency in Environmental Struggles

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Das Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum präsentiert im Wintersemester 2023-24 erneut an drei Terminen Projekte und Neuerscheinungen aus dem Bereich der Geschlechterforschung der Freien Universität Berlin. Die Gender Lunch Talks sind in diesem Semester als Online- und Hybridveranstaltungen geplant.

Fighting for the River portrays women‘s intimate, embodied relationships with river waters and explores how those relationships embolden local communities‘ resistance to private run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plants in Turkey. Building on extensive ethnographic research, Özge Yaka develops a body-centered, phenomenological approach to women‘s environmental activism and combines it with a relational ontological perspective. In this way, the book pushes beyond the “natural resources” frame to demonstrate how our corporeal connection to nonhuman entities is constitutive of our more-than-human lifeworld. Fighting for the River takes the human body as a starting point to explore the connection between lived experience and nonhuman environments, treating bodily senses and affects as the media of more-than-human connectivity and political agency. Analyzing local environmental struggles as struggles for coexistence, Yaka frames human-nonhuman relationality as a matter of socio-ecological justice.

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Zeit & Ort

30.11.2023 | 12:30 - 13:30

Raum KL 29/135, Freie Universität Berlin, Rost- und Silberlaube