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Workshop | Flirting without Macho Behaviour

Nov 23, 2023 | 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM

This event is part of the Action Month 2023 on the occasion of the International Day of Action and Remembrance for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This year's motto is "Standing up against Sexualized Violence!"

How do we flirt and with whom (or with whom not)? Why do we flirt at all? And how do we do it in a consensual way, without overstepping boundaries or stupid posturing - ergo without "rummackern" (macho behaviour)?

For many, talking about flirting is cringe - it's embarrassing, tacky, and something you don't do. But why is that?

How can we flirt without (unintentionally) overstepping other people's boundaries? How can we become more sensitive to subtle signs of discomfort or opposite, interest, how can we have fun flirting and take the pressure off?

In our flirting workshop we'll share experiences, question old concepts and - if you like - create and try out new ones. Together we'll explore what alternative, consensual, queer and anti-patriarchal flirting can look and feel like.

Sounds fun and interesting? Then come and let's learn from each other.

with: Sina Pollmann, Len Ellenberger

Target Group: Students of all genders

Language: English

Participation: max. 15 persons, upon registration.

This workshop is for students of all genders.

Further information may be found here.

Time & Location

Nov 23, 2023 | 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Raum 009, Weiterbildungszentrum, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13, 14195 Berlin