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Workshop | Berlin Program Summer Workshop

Jun 26, 2024 - Jun 27, 2024

Currencies of Trust: Past, Present, + Future of Trust

The 2024 Berlin Program Workshop addresses trust and its corollaries from contemporary, historical, and future-oriented vantage points and a variety of disciplines and media forms.

Participation is free of charge. Please register by June 18 if you want to join: https://ssl2.cms.fu-berlin.de/fu-berlin/en/sites/bprogram/Summer-Workshop-2024/PM_Registration/index.html

Program: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/bprogram/Summer-Workshop-2024/BPSW-2024_Program.pdf

Time & Location

Jun 26, 2024 - Jun 27, 2024

Room 009, Ehrenbergstraße 26/28, 14195 Berlin