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Office of Internal Audit

Fabeckstr. 7
14195 Berlin
+49 30 838-453 206

Head of Internal Audit (IR)

Head of the Office of Internal Audit

Anti-corruption officer, general auditing tasks, Rechnungshof affairs, inspections of expenditures of external funds

Deputy Head of Internal Audit (IR 1)

Deputy Head of the Office of Internal Audit

General auditing tasks, auditing of fees in accordance with Section 19.3.4 of the Regulations for Secondary Employment of Civil Servants (Hochschulnebentätigkeitsverordnung, HNtVO) 

Contact in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz, HinSchG)

At a Glance

Freie Universität Berlin’s Office of Internal Audit (Innenrevision, IR) is an independent regulatory body that specifically supports and advises the Executive Board. It also offers informational and advisory services to other university members. Internal Audit works on issues across all areas of Freie Universität, operating on an autonomous, independent level.

The office’s main purpose is to improve the university’s performance and fulfillment of its responsibilities while maintaining efficiency, minimizing risks, and preventing corruption. Through focused and effective auditing practices, the Office of Internal Audit contributes substantially to the successful implementation of the university’s goals, economical budgeting and spending, and increased transparency – a process that goes far beyond merely pointing out weaknesses.

Further responsibilities of the Office of Internal Audit include processing and coordinating audits by the Berlin State Court of Auditors (Rechnungshof von Berlin), and inspecting reports on expenditures of external funds. Fees paid in connection with additional work at the university’s veterinary clinics are also audited by the Office of Internal Audit.