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Barrier-free Studying Counseling by Studierendenwerk in Dahlem

Thielallee 38 (corner of Otto-von-Simson-Straße)
14195 Berlin
Gloria Köhn

Counseling and support is offered to disabled and chronically ill Abitur-holders and students in all financial/social matters in connection with studying. For example: financing of studies; payment for student assistants and other necessary means of assistance; help regarding apartment searches, transportation, and mobility within and outside of the university; problems concerning agencies and institutions, as well as personal problems and crisis situations. Since January, 2001, integration aid in accordance with § 9 Abs. 2 BerlHG is made available to disabled and chronically ill students through the Barrier-free studying counseling department of the Studierendenwerk Berlin. Applications can be made, for example, for student assistants, technical support, etc.

Office hours

Tuesdays 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, and by appointment