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Needs Assessment - Services for Research Data Management at Freie Universität Berlin

Survey on the development of concepts for location-specific and cross-institutional services for research data management (RDM) / Participation is possible until December 15, 2021.

News from Nov 19, 2021

The goal of the project “Concept Development for Collaborative Research Data Management Services” of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) is to develop ideas for advancing and improving services for research data management (RDM) with attention to both site-specific and cross-institutional needs. A survey is currently being conducted at Freie Universität Berlin to assess research needs. It should take about 15 to 20 minuutes to complete the online survey. It is aimed at all researchers at the university, including employees in joint projects (e.g., Clusters of Excellence, Collaborative Research Centers), as well as research support staff (e.g., technical staff). Participation is voluntary.

The survey focuses on managing research data in everyday research: What role does the management of your data play in your research practice? What are your needs and wishes with regard to tools and services? Which aspects are particularly relevant to your research context? The findings of the survey will serve to develop concepts for joint RDM services of the four BUA partners: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The survey will run until December 15, 2021.

Link to the survey: https://umfrage.hu-berlin.de/index.php/517594

The online survey for members of Freie Universität is completely anonymous. It will not be possible to trace any answers back to you. The results will be published as part of the BUA-wide findings.

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