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Start of the second round of the Berlin Science Survey

The representative survey of researchers at the three major Berlin universities and Charité as well as at non-university research institutions was conducted for the first time in 2021/22. The second survey focuses on the topic of competition in academia.

News from Feb 29, 2024

The Berlin Science Survey is a representative study of Berlin as a research hub. In the second round of the survey, which has now started, the focus is on the topic of competition in academia: How does competition affect work culture, motivation, and research quality? The survey is being conducted by the Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin as part of Berlin University Alliance Objective 3 (Advancing Research Quality and Value). The survey can be taken in German or in English.

The pilot study, which surveyed around 1,800 people at the four BUA partners and other non-university research institutions in 2021/2022, showed, among other things, that researchers rate the opportunities for scientific collaboration in Berlin as “good” or “very good.” According to one result of the basic analysis, open science was identified by Berlin researchers as a particularly important scientific goal. However, respondents also claimed that open science is yet to play a major role in their day-to-day research practice. These findings can be used to improve research quality and conditions in Berlin as a center of research.

Note on participation for researchers

In order to adequately reflect the diversity of the research landscape, the Robert K. Merton Center for Science Studies invites scientists und scholars from all departments of the four BUA partners as well was the BR50 institutes to participate in the survey. If you have not yet been invited to take part, please register by contacting the Berlin Science Survey team directly at rmz-berlinsciencesurvey@hu-berlin.de.

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