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Ben Heiden, Birmingham (United Kingdom)

The European flagship program Erasmus+ might set its sails toward Great Britain for the last time this year. And I get to be on board: Hi, my name is Ben. After a stressful couple of weeks finishing up my exams, I have completed my second semester in the economics bachelor’s program at Freie Universität. Now, I can look forward to my year abroad in Birmingham. As a Berlin native, I have never been away from the banks of the Spree for more than three weeks at a time in my 22 years, so I imagine it will be an exciting but also challenging experience trying to settle into another city and culture.

An Abrupt Ending

Ben Heiden has been back in Berlin since mid-March – in his final letter from Birmingham, he reflects on the end of his stay in the United Kingdom.

Brexit Actually?

More mail from Birmingham: Ben Heiden is preparing for the UK’s impending withdrawal from the EU and still finding time to enjoy student life.

“Interesting. Good Luck Mate!”

Ben Heiden enjoys one last currywurst in Berlin before his study abroad trip – he’ll be sending “Letters from Birmingham” over the next few months.