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Marie Funke, Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China)

My name is Marie, I am 21 years old, and in my fifth semester in a degree program in political science at Freie Universität. I will be spending the year at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the Asian megacity of Hong Kong. I’m looking forward to studying in this diverse place full of contrasts. And I am looking forward to all the new perspectives that I expect to gain here, especially in light of the current situation of the city. In addition to my daily routine of Chinese language courses, spicy canteen meals, and tropical insects, I plan to get to know as much as possible of Hong Kong and China.

Painful Goodbyes

In Marie Funke’s final letter from Hong Kong, she reflects on her time abroad – things certainly did not go as planned

Néih Hóu Hong Kong!

Marie Funke sends the first of her “Letters from Hong Kong” – she is studying abroad in the Asian megacity for eight months.