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Elena Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Tallinn (Estonia)

My name is Elena. I am 20 years old and in my fifth semester of the political science program at Freie Universität Berlin. I have been in Tallinn since the end of August. Estonia is a perfect place to study political science. Political upheaval and a unique history of recovery are part of the country’s DNA. In my reporting, I want to focus on Estonia’s diverse cultural scene and its pioneering role in the world of digital technology.

“Näeme varsti, Tallinn! See you soon, Tallinn!”

In her third and last letter from Tallinn, Elena Schulz-Ruhtenberg looks back on her Erasmus semester in Estonia.

Taking the ferry to work

Letter from Tallinn! Elena Schulz-Ruhtenberg describes the metropolitan region “Talsinki”

Tere Tallinnast! Hello from Tallinn!

Elena Schulz-Ruhtenberg is here to kick off our “Letters from...” series with her first dispatch from the Estonian capital.