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Why Does Heat Help Combat Tumors?

Researchers from Freie Universität Berlin, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and start-up Omiqa have teamed up to investigate how heat can be used to supplement tumor therapy

Dec 22, 2022

Spa Day in Pompeii

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE laid waste to the thriving bathing culture of Pompeii. Archaeologist Professor Monika Trümper is helping uncover what life was like in the ancient city.

Dec 22, 2022

“Hope also has a great deal to do with action”

Part 4 of the Advent Series on Research as Reason for Hope: Philosopher Jakob Huber on Hope in Political Contexts

Dec 20, 2022

Diversity in Leadership Positions

A recent study shows that a cross section of the German population supports recruitment practices that favor women and people from non-academic households

Dec 19, 2022

“Specific Suggestions for Overcoming Problems”

Part 3 of the Advent Series on Research as Reason for Hope: Plans for Fairer Solutions

Dec 15, 2022

What’s in a Name?

“Even if some family names disappear, their history lives on,” according to historian Johannes Czakai, who for his dissertation did research in Eastern Europe on the origin of German-sounding Jewish names.

Dec 13, 2022

“Urban areas are more biodiverse than you might expect”

4 x Research as Reason for Hope / Part 2: Research on Biodiversity

Dec 08, 2022

“Hope is crucial for overcoming a crisis”

4 x Research as Reason for Hope / Part 1: Research on Hope

Dec 05, 2022

“3Rs Info Hub” – A New Learning Platform for Research without Animals

Senior Researchers Dr. Vivian Kral and Dr. Christian Zoschke, along with a team of young researchers and students, developed an e-learning platform highlighting alternatives to animal research.

Nov 29, 2022

Baby Steps, Quantum Leaps

Quantum computers are the stuff of legends. Jens Eisert explains how these powerful yet sensitive machines work and what to expect from them in the future

Nov 22, 2022