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Information on the current conditions for Junior Research Group Leaders at Freie Universität Berlin

Junior Research Group Leaders* who would like to establish their group at Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and who are supported in this by one of FUB´s departments or institutes, will receive a position as Junior Research Group Leader funded by the project budget, an attractive complementary funding  as well as support in the project administration.

As a Junior Research Group Leader you are usually authorized to supervise PhD candidates and you will receive a proper cost centre, i.e. you will assume budget responsibility independently.

In individual cases deviating agreements can be discussed with the concerned academic department`s deanery.

If you are interested in  applying for a Junior Research Group with FUB as your host institution please contact the grants advisors of the Research Funding and Information Team.

If you are interested in establishing your already funded project, please contact the concerned academic department`s deanery.

* funded for example by the ERC, BMBF, the Emmy Noether-Programme of DFG or a Freigeist-Fellowship of Volkswagenstiftung