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We support you from project application to approval

  • Identification of suitable funding programs for your research projects:
    We offer needs-oriented advice on funding programs, collaborative research, individual research projects, economic activity, scientific events and strategic career planning with third-party funding.
  • Do your project outline or proposal meet the requirements of the call for proposals? Developing your personal funding strategy:
    Upon request, we will individually review your project outlines, draft proposals and full proposals with regard to formal and content-related structural requirements, correctness of the budget calculation, suitability of the project to the call for proposals and aspects in the case of economic projects. Proofreading: overall structure, budget, accordance with the guidelines
  • Helping you collect all documents and signatures in time
  • Prepare letters of intent, letters of support through co-funding commitments for university leadership
  • Coordination of communication with other departments of the University
  • Clarification of legal and administrative issues
  • Information sessions on project funding and third-party funding administration
Contact: Team research funding and information and more about our consulting service


  • Beratungsangebot