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Academic and scientific awards at Freie Universität Berlin

Management of academic and scientific awards

Granting awards to scholars and scientists is an integral component of the promotion of academic study and research. Excellent academic and scientific achievements should be supported both with ideas and in tangible form. The university management of Freie Universität Berlin attaches a great deal of importance to the university’s targeted activities in the area of nominations for academic and scientific awards and applications for those awards submitted by scholars and scientists, including junior researchers, and by students.

With their commitment to this field, universities, organizations working in academia and the sciences, scientific and academic societies, nonprofit foundations, associations, academies, and private individuals contribute to ensuring that a large number of awards of this kind are granted each year. These awards range from study grants, awards for high achievement in examinations, dissertations, and Habilitation processes, and awards for research-related innovations and raising public awareness of research and research findings to awards granted for a specific topic of research, a publication, or a scientist or scholar’s lifetime achievements. The line between awards placed at the recipient’s personal disposal and research grants or fellowships as well as those awards that serve to support further academic or scientific work is fluid.

Scientific and academic awards with nominations by the university management of Freie Universität

The university management and the Research Division (Div. VI) of Freie Universität are happy to help in individual cases concerning nominations of potential award candidates and applications submitted by potential award candidates from among the faculty, student body, and staff of Freie Universität Berlin.


Edda Nitschke
Team VI C - Research Funding and Information (VI C ERC)
Rudeloffweg 25/27
D - 14195 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 838 66503
E-Mail: edda.nitschke@fu-berlin.de