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3. What are the next steps for the scientific project managers of FU Berlin with an issued draft contract?

Project managers of the FU Berlin should first examine whether or not the provisions in the draft are comprehensible and transparent for them as well as if they serve the purpose of the project and the collaboration.

This self-checkup is important as the project manager has the necessary overview of the research project in regard to its specific features and potential difficulties.

In case of concern Team Legal Counsel in Research and Transfer (VI B) should be consulted. The draft may be amended, if necessary, in order to prevent any legal problems or difficulties in the negotiation process with the contract partners.

The project manager of the FU Berlin may then send the draft to the potential contract partners with the request of its review in academic, financial and legal respects. All suggestions for amendments to the draft should be filled in the respective document in editing mode. This will speed up the further proceedings and finalization of the draft.

Team VI B may, if required (especially in complex contractual matters), assume the communication regarding the draft with the contract partners or their legal advisors.

All amendment proposals by the contract partner shall be communicated to the project management of the FU Berlin and from there subsequently to Team VI B. If there are more than two contract partners involved, Team VI B shall put together all their proposed amendments into a single file.

Team VI B will then examine all requested amendments and draw up a new agreement which in turn shall be sent to contract partners for their own review. This process can be repeated as many times as all parties have reached an unanimous consent on the text of the contract.

In the event of disagreement a tele- or videoconference between the project managers and the legal advisors of the potential contract parties (including Team VI B) may support the negotiation process.