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Support for Refugee and At-Risk Researchers

All over the world, scientists are persecuted, threatened and restricted in their work because of their research and ideas. Likewise, researchers experience restrictions on their academic freedom due to wars, political crises, or difficult socioeconomic conditions. Freie Universität Berlin recognizes the protection and defense of academic freedom as an important goal of its international activities and is convinced that internationalization must be shaped responsibly in dialogue with its partners around the world; this includes, in particular, international research colleagues.

Freie Universität Berlin therefore offers several services for refugee and vulnerable scholars worldwide. In the following, readers will receive an overview of the individual facilities, contact persons, and organizational steps to receive support from the university in solidarity.

Research Stays at Freie Universität Berlin

There are opportunities for at-risk researchers to spend a shorter or longer stay at Freie Universität.

FUB-Bridge Fellowships for At-Risk Scholars

In 2022, Freie Universität Berlin supported over 70 international at-risk and refugee researchers with short-term scholarships.

Academics in Solidarity

Freie Universität is home to the nationwide mentoring network Academics in Solidarity, which currently has over 200 members and promotes the long-term inclusion of academics in exile.