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Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility

Freie Universität welcomes visiting scholars who would like to implement short-term teaching assignments through the Erasmus+ Program. The basic prerequisite is that the two universities hold an up-to-date inter-institutional Erasmus-Agreement that permits the exchange of scholars for teaching purposes.

Information regarding the conditions and financial and other matters for the preparation and carrying out of a short-term teaching assignment must be obtained from the central Erasmus+ office of the home university, if you are from a KA131 programme country. In this case, the financing of the teaching assignments of visiting scholars is covered solely through Erasmus-funds of the home university. In case you are a member of staff of a KA107/KA171 partner country and partner university, you would still need to get in touch with the International Office of your home university in order to find out whether there are still available funds left and get information on application deadlines and documents to be submitted.

If you want to apply for a teaching mobility at FUB and there are funds available, you would first need to identify and get in touch with a potential academic host at FUB. Content-related aspects of the teaching assignment must be coordinated with the subject coordinator in the individual departments or institutes of Freie Universität. It is advisable to take up this contact soon enough to include the courses taught by the visiting professor/instructor in the catalog of courses at Freie Universität. The same applies for academics who want to visit Freie Universität Berlin under the Erasmus+ staff training mobility: You would need to find an academic host/department that issues an invitation letter for the period of your stay.

An overview of FUB's Departments and Central Institutes can be found here: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/einrichtungen/fachbereiche/index.html