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How Much Is the Erasmus+ Funding for My Host Country?

As a general rule, receiving parallel funding of similar costs under other EU programs is excluded.

The total funding is made up of unit costs for the trip and the stay. Possible surpluses remain with the grant recipient and may be taxable.

Calculation of travel expenses

University employees who take part in an Erasmus+ mobility will receive a travel allowance for their trip according to the single distance from Berlin to the host location, calculated by the distance calculator of the EU Commission.

For stays from October 2022 onwards (except for stays to the UK, which are only possible until May 2023), there will be additional financial support if sustainable means of transport are used. Environmentally friendly travel using sustainable, low-emission means of transport such as bus, train and carpooling will be supported in the Erasmus+ program in the form of the green travel grant. Travel by ship cannot be considered sustainable. Provided that at least 50% of the mobility is by sustainable means of transport, the trip meets the criteria for the green travel grant.



How much?

How much for green travel?

Single Distance (according to Distance Calculator of the EU KOM)

Amount (outward and return journey)

Amount (outward and return journey)

10 and 99 KM

23 EUR


100 and 499 KM

180 EUR

210 EUR

500 and 1999 KM

275 EUR

320 EUR

2000 and 2999 KM

360 EUR

410 EUR

3000 and 3999 KM

530 EUR

610 EUR

4000 and 7999 KM

820 EUR


8000 KM or more

1500 EUR


Additional support days as part of individual support

Support days for standard travel

University employees undertaking Erasmus+ mobility are eligible for up to 2 travel days for arrival/departure to the host location. These are added to the mobility period (period of active participation in the program of the host institution) as individual support as daily rates and are paid in addition to the travel grant. In order to claim 2 travel days, you must arrive at the host site no later than the day before the start of the mobility and can depart from the host site no earlier than the day after the completion of the mobility.

Support days for sustainable travel

University employees who choose to travel sustainably will receive additional individual support for travel days, if applicable, of up to 4 days for round-trip travel. Thus, they can use a maximum of six additional days of individual travel support: two for standard travel plus four for Green Travel. Please note, however, that the need for additional travel days must be justified by you. To do this, submit your proof of transportation to us as you prepare for your stay.

Funding days in connection with vacations

If you combine the Erasmus+ funded trip with a vacation longer than 1 week (7 days incl. weekend), only 1 travel day will be funded for standard travel; for sustainable travel only up to a maximum of 3 travel days. For vacations longer than 2 weeks (14 days including weekends), no additional travel days will be granted. It does not matter if the leave is before or after official business or both. The added vacation days in connection with the official business are counted.

In both cases, however, the corresponding travel allowance is still granted.

Calculation of the cost of the stay

Country of destination

Amount per diem
(up to and including the 14th day)

Amount per diem (from the 15th up to and including the 60th day)

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom



Belgium, Germany, France,
Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus



Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary



The amounts are calculated on a per diem (daily) basis. Eligible days are those on which mobility took place as stated in the confirmation by the host institution.

The duration of the stay excludes arrival/departure days, unless the participant also attended their place of work/training at the host institution on those days. This must be confirmed by the host institution.

Course fees, if applicable, and participation fees for Staff Weeks are not covered by the Erasmus program. Participation fees for Staff Weeks must be paid for out of your mobility grant. Course fees may be covered by your institute/department or your institution, as the case may be; please ask your line manager or supervisor.