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Windows into Internationalization

In recent years, there has always been great interest in the Internationalization programme of our Staff Training Week, resulting in very large groups of 50 to 60 participants per year. Therefore, we have decided to offer two programmes in 2023. Participants have the option to either attend Option I or Option II throughout the week, or to indicate (in the application form) if they want to attend one program on Tuesday and the other program on Thursday. A joint offer for both programmes is planned for Wednesday.

Option I: Erasmus beyond Erasmus

Discover and make the most of the manifold new possibilities the new Erasmus+ programme generation has to offer!

Keeping pace with new funding possibilities and identifying synergies between different international projects and funding lines has become imperative for most global universities. But in times of unsure budgets, looming political crises, climate change, a pandemic and constantly changing frameworks, what should we focus on and how can we strategically use existing and long-standing programmes to create an added value and thrive? In our International Staff Training Week 2023, we will look at different aspects and angles of funding opportunities within Erasmus+ and how to make the most of these when it comes to creating synergies between strategic internationalization and individual student and staff mobility. Our focus is on networking with representatives from other institutions, discussing and exchanging experiences, good practices and challenges in order to further develop expertise and draw new motivation.

Please have a look at our program.

If you are interested to apply for participation in this programme, please fill in the application form.

For this track, there are 25 spots available.

Option II: Managing International Networks

My strategy, our network: maintaining impact and motivation in multi-lateral networks

Working in international relations, our international agendas, institutional strategies, and organizational particularities shape the way we structure and advance our international work. In cooperating with those outside of our institutions, especially in multilateral networks, it becomes harder to remain true to our own goals while in the same time negotiating common ground with others. During this program we will exchange good practice of multi-stakeholder management in international networks; discuss aspects of local, national, and international networks; learn about conflict resolution and strategy implementation in networks, and explore unique solutions to common problems. And while we learn a lot, we will also have some fun and the chance to build new networks.

Please have a look at our program.

If you are interested to apply for participation in this programme, please fill in the application form.

For this track, there are 25 spots available.