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Guide to departmental Erasmus coordination: Agreements

Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements (iiAs) (new Erasmus+ programs duration: 2022/23-2027/28)

 Tasks of the Erasmus+ Coordinators:

  • Collaboration in updates/finalization of iiAs: communication with partners (new iiAs, changes in exchange flows in already existing iiAs, cancellations etc. - for everything please always inform incoming@fu-berlin.de and outgoing-erasmus@fu-berlin.de, thank you)

  • Sending professional information to partners:inside and students (in/out)

The central contact person for Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements (iiAs) is Kathleen Plotka acting in the position of Nicole Schindler (incoming@fu-berlin.de).
The following information is needed for the creation of new iiAs:

  • The duration (new Erasmus+ duration: 2022/23-2027/28),
  • the contact details of the person with whom you have arranged the agreement (name, function / position and email address)
  • the number of students to be exchanged in both directions per academic year
  • the number of months per incoming/outgoing per academic year (5 months equals 1 semester; 10 months equals 2 semesters per incoming/outgoing)
  • the desired study levels, i.e. BA and/or MA and/or PhD
  • the desired language level for incoming students
  • name of the program at the partner university in which the FU students may study
  • name of the FU program in which the incoming students may study here
  • Are there to be faculty exchanges? If yes, how many per academic year (basically 7 days per person; 8 teaching hours per week)?

In order for a contract to be valid for the following academic year, the Central Erasmus+ Office must receive the above information by 1 November.

Important: If a student exchange at master level is agreed upon in an iiA, it must be clarified in which exact master the incoming students may be enrolled at Freie Universität. This must be discussed in advance with the responsible master's representative of Freie Universität and a corresponding approval must be submitted to Kathleen Plotka acting in the position of Nicole Schindler (incoming@fu-berlin.de).

Please note that Erasmus+ IIAs are concluded centrally via the platform EWP (Erasmus Without Paper). The President of Freie Universität Berlin, as Legal Representative, has authorised the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator Gesa Heym as well as the Erasmus+ IIA contact persons Nicole Schindler (on sabbatical) and Kathleen Plotka (substitute for Nicole Schindler) to sign the Erasmus+ IIA electronically via the platform EWP.