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Applications for the Una Europa Student Congress at FU Berlin are open now until 6 May

Flyer - Una Europa Student Congress 2024

Una Europa Student Congress 2024 - Digital Flyer

This year's Una Europa Student Congress will take place at FU Berlin under the theme "Dis-/Assemble: Reinventing the University." Students (bachelor, master, doctoral) can apply now until 6 May to participate in the congress.

News from Apr 08, 2024

The Una Europa Student Congress at Freie Universität Berlin is a place for you to connect with peers from all eleven Una Europa universities and partner institutions from Ukraine. Join us in Berlin and meet other open-minded students, explore different cultures, and engage in workshops and interactive learning formats that will be co-created by you and tailored around your interests.

Our annual Student Congress is all about your perspective, voice, and ideas. It’s a gathering where our student community addresses central questions about student life at European universities:

  • Being human in a digital world.
  • Why universities?
  • Future trends in higher education.

You can find all information on the Student Congress and how you can apply to come to Berlin from 17-20 September on our event website. The application form is open now until 11:00 CEST, 6 May 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact the Una Europa Team of FU Berlin via Email: unaeuropa@zedat.fu-berlin.de.

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