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A Road Trip in California and a Berlin Feeling in New York

Letter from California! After midterms, Louis Potthoff goes on a journey of discovery.

Nov 27, 2015

In Santa Barbara, in Southern California, it is still warm enough to play a game of volleyball on the beach in the evening, even at this time of year.

In Santa Barbara, in Southern California, it is still warm enough to play a game of volleyball on the beach in the evening, even at this time of year.
Image Credit: Private

A highlight of his visit to the Big Apple: Our author visited the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City.

A highlight of his visit to the Big Apple: Our author visited the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City.
Image Credit: Private

Taxis are everywhere in New York. Did Louis Potthoff want to go for a spin, too? Of course!

Taxis are everywhere in New York. Did Louis Potthoff want to go for a spin, too? Of course!
Image Credit: Private

Midterms are over, and I finally get to see the world outside the library again. A good opportunity to finally explore California and a bit more of the United States. A friend and I rented a car and drove south to Santa Barbara.

On the way back, we drove along Route 1, on the coast, and took a look around the rocky inlets and scenic beaches of Big Sur. Taking in this spectacular natural setting, I realized once again that this is truly a completely different continent – almost halfway around the globe from my home.

Last week, I flew to New York City for a few days, where I attended a conference at the United Nations (UN). Sitting down in the General Assembly Hall, right where the “real” diplomats sit, made a huge impression on me, of course. But the city itself was even more dazzling! Countless restaurants, bars, galleries, and museums, sidewalks packed with people at all hours of the day or night, and the dizzying height of the skyscrapers all around – it was all overwhelming.

A Berlin-like Atmosphere in New York

This might sound strange to some, but the city also reminded me a lot of Berlin. It had the same feeling that I so often find myself missing here in the sleepy college town of Berkeley: the sheer force of the size of the megacity, the stress, the life on the streets, and the dynamism that arises as a result.

Still, I was happy to get back to Berkeley. For the first time, it was almost like a homecoming. And there’s one thing I definitely don’t miss here: the bitter-cold Berlin weather!

Further Information

In our campus.leben series "Letters from ..." six students, two doctoral candidates, and an apprentice are reporting on their experiences abroad. Here we introduced the nine travelers, and here you can find Louis Potthoff's previous reports.