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DIES Conference 2023

During a two-week modular program organized by the DAAD, HRK and the university of Osnabrück, 40 deans from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenia, Nigeria and Uganda spent a day at Freie Universität Berlin on June 28, 2023

Jul 07, 2023

The focus were the topics quality management, internationalization, research management, university administration and sustainability.

The guests were welcomed by Dr. Herbert Grieshop, head of the international division. He gave a speech about "Success with Internationalization at Freie Universität Berlin." In a second session, university professor Dr. med. vet. Uwe Rösler, dean of veterinary medicine, introduced the faculty management of his department.

Ms Katrin Schweigel of the sustainability and energy office opened the afternoon program with a guided visit of the university's photovoltaic system on the roof of the main building. Afterwards, she introduced the sustainability management of the university.

The program "Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies" (DIES) is coordinated by DAAD and HRK and is funded by the ministry of economic cooperation and development (BMZ). DIES supports universities in developing and newly industralizing countries with measures suc as training courses, dialogue events, projects and partnerships, in order to professionalize management processes, adjusting education to international quality standards, and strengthen research capacities.