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Freie Universität associated at the "Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus (DWIH)" in Tokyo

Freie Universität Berlin is the only university nationwide which is represented at all five DWIHs

Nov 02, 2018

Freie Universität Berlin has been associated as a supporter of the Deutsches Wissenschafts- und Innovationshaus (DWIH) (= German House of Science and Innovation) in Tokyo. This makes it the only university in Germany to be represented at all five DWIHs and to be actively involved in shaping Germany's research and academic relations policy. It is also present at the DWIH in New York, New Delhi, São Paulo, and Moscow; in the Russian capital, Tobias Stüdemann, head of the liaison office of Freie Universität Berlin, is also chairman of the advisory board of the DWIH Moscow. The German Science and Innovation Houses are an association of German science organizations, universities, and representatives of research-based industry. At the five locations worldwide, they enable German innovation leaders to make a joint appearance, offer a showcase for the performance of German research, and provide network opportunities for German science institutions with local cooperation partners.

The Vice President of Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott, emphasized: "For us, the participation in the DWIH in the Japanese capital is a consistent further development of our previous commitment to the DWIH. On one hand, this is because Japan is one of Freie Universität's most important partner countries and we maintain cooperation agreements with a total of 17 universities there. On the other hand, Freie Universität has already become acquainted with the DWIH through its participation in other locations and has perceived it as an "ideal platform" suitable for promoting Germany as a location for science in the respective countries in a concerted manner. "The local presence makes it possible to react quickly and with the necessary competence to requirements from the respective countries and at the same time offer a contact point for interested parties," explained the Vice President.

The aim of the DWIH is to increase the visibility of and knowledge about German science, research and innovation landscape. This is why the DWIH advises scientists in Germany and the host countries. The Federal Government's Strategy for the Internationalization of Science and Research adopted in 2008 states that an increasingly internationally oriented science policy requires a targeted external representation of the diverse German research and innovation landscape. Building on the Research and Academic Relations Policy initiative, the global network of German Science and Innovation Houses has grown since 2009. Since 2017, the Federal Foreign Office has supported all DWIHs on an institutional basis via the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The DWIH and its activities involve the “Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen” (= Alliance of Science Organizations), the “Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie” (= Federation of German Industries), the “Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag” (= Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce) and international companies. The core task of the DWIH is to represent German science, research and innovation at its locations. Its work is divided into the areas of "Information, Advertising and Marketing", "Exchange and Networks" and "Service and Consulting".

Further Information

Britta Piel, Deputy Head of the Center for International Cooperation der Freien Universität Berlin, Phone: 030 / 838-73943, E-Mail: britta.piel@fu-berlin.de; www.fu-berlin.de/cic


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