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Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP); applications can be submitted throughout the year

News from Mar 01, 2024

Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked among the world’s top universities. NTU has a vibrant research eco-system with a high proportion of early career researchers. It has a healthy environment for interdisciplinary research collaboration and the research is well funded. 

The Nanyang Assistant Professorship scheme provides the opportunity for outstanding early career researchers and exceptional scholars from Singapore and around the world, who aspire to a research leadership role at NTU. Successful NAP awardees will be given a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment and granted a substantial start-up grant (SUG) to lay the foundation for their research ventures within the university.

NTU invites outstanding early-career researchers (postdoctoral fellow or equivalent) to apply for an appointment as a Nanyang Assistant Professor.

Eligibility criteria

  • Applicants must be early career researchers, holding a PhD or MD or equivalent degree, obtained within the last 10 years.
  • Clinician scientists engaged in translational and/or clinical science, encompassing areas such as bench-to-bedside research, clinical trials, epidemiology, digital health, health services research, and interventional studies in any medical discipline, are encouraged to apply.
  • A strong track record of early achievements and the potential to lead an independent research group are required.
  • Eligibility extends to both new external applicants and NTU Faculty (not holding the rank of Associate Professor or Professor) who have joined within the last 12 months or within 3 years after PhD, whichever comes later. Existing NTU Faculty are limited to a single application attempt. 
  • Selected candidates must be committed to taking up an independent research appointment at NTU.

For more informatiom, please see here.

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