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1 | 2016

Mar 02, 2016

Traces in Stone

A clear view, without drilling: At the Grand Canyon, you can...

More ecofriendly, more sustainable: A geophysicist from Freie Universität uses seismic waves to eliminate some exploratory drilling

They can’t talk, but they do offer answers: Geophysicist Serge Shapiro uses seismic waves to coax the secrets out of deep layers of stone. Thanks to his invention, it will not be necessary to drill as much to explore underground reservoirs in the future.

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Storing Information at the Molecular Level

Impression of how molecules might be incorporated in next-generation hard drives, with the structure of the molecule (top left), the magnetic hysteresis curve (top right) and the energy barrier between up and down orientation of the magnetic moment.

Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Stuttgart, and the Max Planck Institute of Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC) in Mühlheim Discover Molecule with Stable Magnetization

Imagine storing a thousand times more information on your hard disk: Miniaturization of devices is an important goal in contemporary science and technology. Data storage devices form the cornerstone of the technologically advanced world that we live in. In current data storage devices information is currently stored at the macroscopic level, but the ultimate aim is to be able to store information in individual molecules. So far this vision has remained beyond the reach of scientists.

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“Suddenly everything was different”

Peter Szondi (left) and religion scholar Gershom Scholem discuss a text by Walter Benjamin, in 1971.

Fifty years ago, Germany’s first Institute of Comparative Literature was founded – at Freie Universität Berlin

It’s just a word, but for Peter Szondi it made all the difference: The institute to be founded in December 1965 at Freie Universität would not be called merely the “Seminar for Comparative Literature” but rather the “Seminar for General and Comparative Literature.”

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Getting Back to the Roots

Collected history: The Willdenow Herbarium encompasses nearly 40,000 dried plant specimens. Some of them come from Alexander von Humboldt’s expedition in the Americas.

The Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum explore the history of collections in Berlin as part of a research alliance.

The Botanic Garden in Berlin’s Dahlem district is known for its rare and exotic plants, such as titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum), the world’s largest flower, which blooms only every couple of years, with a meters-tall inflorescence – and a distinctive odor of carrion, which has also earned it the name “corpse flower.”

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A New Life and an Old Dream

Not speechless at all: Muhammed wants to become an English teacher.

Muhammed, a Syrian refugee, learns German at Freie Universität

Talking in coherent sentences about experiences, hopes, and goals – according to the European framework of reference for languages, language learners have to be able to do this at a certain level of learning. Muhammed’s German language skills are not yet quite up to the task; he still feels more comfortable in English at this point.

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Mexico: Between Yesterday and Today

Marco Estrada Saavedra, a sociologist, is developing a new model of the state by analyzing the relationship between politics and society based on protest movements in particular.

Historian Ricardo Pérez Montfort and sociologist Marco Estrada Saavedra are visiting scholars at the Institute for Latin American Studies at Freie Universität

The two scholars agree that the atmosphere here is perfect for dedicating yourself to research. Both scholars are using this semester-long visit to make great progress in their respective projects. 

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Call for Applications

The so-called "Holzlaube" building houses numerous small academic departments such as Prehistoric Archeology, Egyptology, or Chinese Studies.

Research Alumni Program offers grants for 2-6 weeks research stays

The Research Alumni Program at Freie Universität offers doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from abroad grants for research stays at Freie Universität.

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