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2 | 2016

May 25, 2016

From the Editors

The new "International" section.

The website of Freie Universität Berlin has a new design and a new “International” section

Freie Universität is a favorite destination for students all over the world. The university’s more than 100 partnerships with higher education institutions in other countries promote student exchanges and academic and scientific cooperation. The new “International” section presents the university’s international network and information on funding opportunities, with all of this information now appearing in a single location and with an even clearer and more easily understood design.

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Freie Universität Berlin Scores with Internationality and Research Performance

Students at the orientation days for new international students at Freie Universität Berlin.

CHE Reassessed English and North American Studies, German Language and Literature, Romance Languages, Education, Psychology, Biology, and Chemistry

In its most recent university ranking, the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE) certified various subjects at Freie Universität Berlin excellence in internationality. CHE particularly highlighted the transnationally oriented subjects English and North American studies and German language and literature. The university also obtained top rankings with regard to research achievements in the disciplines German language and literature, Romance languages and literatures, education, and psychology. These were all of the subjects in which indicators were examined for research performance.

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Graduates in Academia and the Research Sector, Government Ministries, and the European Commission

The “big wheel” turns in Germany: According to calculations by the Strom-Report portal, about 45 percent of the wind turbines installed in Europe are located in Germany.

The Environmental Policy Research Centre looks back on a 30-year success story.

On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in what is now Ukraine, was the site of the world’s first nuclear disaster, when a true “worst-case scenario” unfolded. The Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) at Freie Universität had been founded just three days before as a research unit.

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Mystery Solved Regarding Largest Volcano in the Solar System

An orthomosaic of Olympus Mons with the ground levels superimposed in color coding.

Scientists at the Institute of Geological Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin Succeeded in Simulating the Evolution of the Mars Volcano Olympus Mons

Scientists from the Division of Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing in the Institute of Geological Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin have succeeded in creating a model simulating the formation of mysterious structures on the surface of the Mars volcano, Olympus Mons. The study was conducted in collaboration with the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam and Arizona State University. The findings were published in the latest issue of the international scientific journal, Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets.

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A Bookshelf for Data

The Pantheon in Rome in a digital collection of the publication platform "Edition Topoi."

In the Edition Topoi, research data can be published for long-term accessability.

Citing a book or essay is part of scholarly work. But what about images, collections of sources, digitized objects, 3D models, or databases, especially if they are only present in virtual form on the Internet? These kinds of research data are playing an increasingly important role in the field of studies of ancient civilizations.

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Interwoven Images and Sounds

Just hocus-pocus? Harry Potter is probably the world’s most famous wizard in training. The film adaptations of the book series of the same name are also interesting from a scholarly perspective.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting a fundamental project on the analysis of audiovisual media.

Harry Potter runs. He has snuck into the Ministry of Magic and stolen a medallion. The evil wizard Yaxley hurries after him with an angry look on his face. He fires magical bolts at the boy. They strike like lightning, but miss their target. The balls of light hit the walls and explode with a roar. Dramatic music accompanies the scene.

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Making Fuel Cells More Efficient

Gumaa El-Nagar in the laboratory of the Applied Physical Chemistry Group at Freie Universität Berlin.

Electrochemist Dr. Gumaa El-Nagar from Egypt in Two-Year Project at Freie Universität Berlin to Improve Catalysts for Fuel Cells

The Egyptian electrochemist Dr. Gumaa El-Nagar has received a Georg Forster HERMES Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to work for two years at Freie Universität in the Applied Physical Chemistry Group led by Prof. Dr. Christina Roth. He will be working on the improvement of catalysts for fuel cells.

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