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Mar 17, 2017

Tracing a Lost Collection

In 2015 the Berlin state museums (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz) returned this sculpture of a lion by August Gaul that was originally in the Mosse collection to the heirs.

Freie Universität Berlin and Heirs of German-Jewish Publisher Rudolf Mosse Collaborate in Search for Confiscated Works from Mosse’s Collection

Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin and the heirs of the German-Jewish publisher Rudolf Mosse (1843–1920) are joining forces in the search for art works expropriated by the National Socialists from the family of the philanthropist Rudolf Mosse as well as the circumstances surrounding their confiscation. The two parties have signed a contract valid through February 2019 to establish the Mosse Art Research Initiative (MARI). In provenance research, the MARI project is unprecedented.

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Next Stop: Freie Universität

As of Sunday, when the new train schedules took effect, the subway station “Thielplatz” was renamed "Freie Universität."

Berlin Public Transport Company Renames Subway Station: Thielplatz on Line U3 Becomes Freie Universität Berlin

As of Sunday, December 11, when the new train schedules took effect, the Berlin Public Transport Company (BVG) renamed the subway station “Thielplatz” on Line U3 to "Freie Universität." The station is just around the corner from the first main building of the university founded in 1948 on the Dahlem campus. "With more than 30,000 students, Freie Universität is one of the three major universities in Berlin and has an outstanding reputation as an educational institution worldwide," said a spokesperson for the BVG. To facilitate orientation, the traditional name "Thielplatz" is being retained as an additional name.

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Diving into the Reading Experience

Utterly immersed: A good book can make us forget everything around us. Scientists call this state of intense reading “immersion.” Concentrating on reading affects a person’s heart rate, certain regions of the brain, and more.

Neuropsychologist Arthur M. Jacobs studies what happens in our brains when we read books such as the Harry Potter series.

It takes place within just a few minutes: I pick the thick volume up from the nightstand and flip through the pages until I find the spot where I left off. Another sip of tea, and I start a new chapter.

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Fighting Drug-resistant Bacteria

Unchecked on a massive scale: Pathogens spread quickly on poultry farms. Currently medications can only be administered to larger groups of animals. This non-targeted use promotes the rise of germs resistant to multiple drugs.

Researchers from Freie Universität Berlin hope to curb the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens in animal husbandry.

When the very first antibiotic – penicillin – was developed, in the mid-20th century, there were great expectations. The new active ingredient was able to kill off dangerous bacteria, unlocking possibilities of therapy for diseases that had previously been difficult to treat.

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Looking for Solutions – Forging Peace

Talking about peace: Jan Koehler (at right) speaks to Kanybek Abduvasitovich Isakov, the rector of Osh State University in southern Kyrgyzstan, about ethnic tensions in the region.

In the politically fragile republics of the northern Caucasus, scholars from Freie Universität have initiated an extensive teaching project on conflict studies.

In the north of the Caucasus region, between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, geography gets tricky. Georgia borders southern Russian republics with complicated names there, and in between lie autonomous regions such as Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Adjara, remnants of complex conflicts following the breakup of the Soviet Union.

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Microplastics in Soils

A far-reaching problem: It takes a very long time for natural processes to degrade plastic, which is practically immune to chemical processes. The widespread use of plastic has thus become a serious problem for humanity at large.

Microplastics are a threat to more than just the oceans: Plant ecologist Matthias Rillig studies soil contamination.

Plastic is practical, hygienic, and sturdy, and it can be used in every area of our lives. As a result, it is no wonder that about 320 million tons of plastics were produced worldwide in 2015 – and the figure is rising. But the fact that plastic is so stable, even practically inert – there are almost no substances that react chemically with plastic – is both an advantage and a problem. Unlike paper and other forms of organic waste, plastic waste biodegrades extremely slowly.

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A Society Experiencing Rapid Change

Stefan Diederich is in charge of the liaison office of Freie Universität in New Delhi since 2016.

Political scientist Stefan Diederich is in charge of the liaison office of Freie Universität in New Delhi, India

A network of seven liaison offices all over the world maintains and expands the international contacts of Freie Universität. Stefan Diederich, an expert on India with a doctorate in political science, has been the head of the office in New Delhi since last June. Thanks in part to funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), he is able to further expand and develop the cooperation between Freie Universität and two top universities in India.

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"Today we want to celebrate you!"

Time for a short rest: There is a one-week break between terms at the Studienkolleg.

Lively music, a poetry slam, and a theater performance marked the end of the semester for refugees in the Studienkolleg preparatory program at Freie Universität.

Learning a new language, making new friends, wading through bureaucracy, coping with everyday life: Refugees making a new life in Germany have a lot to deal with, and Freie Universität has been giving them extra support to help them get started at the university.

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