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1 | 2020

Freie Universität Declares State of Climate Emergency

The university stresses its responsibility for sustainability and climate protection and announces ambitious goals.

Where India and Berlin Meet

In November 2019, Nora Naujoks became director of Freie Universität Berlin’s Liaison Office in New Delhi.

Call for Applications Freie Universität Berlin Research Alumni Program 2020-2021

The Freie Universität Berlin Research Alumni Program is now offering new funding for research activities involving former visiting scholars (Research Alumni) and junior researchers in 2020-2021.

The Great Mystery of the Mind

Using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner at Freie Universität Berlin, humanities researchers and students have been conducting interdisciplinary brain research for the last 10 years.

The Skin of the Earth

In Chile, researchers from various disciplines are studying which forces have a bigger influence on the Earth’s surface – geological or biological ones. In the process, they are gleaning insights into possible consequences of climate change.

Los Angeles Myths

Stefan Keppler-Tasaki is a fellow at the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles, where he is studying how the city and its past has influenced modern German literature.

Into the Future with Quantum Bits

Quantum computers mark a revolution in artificial intelligence.