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Debate. Discuss. Deliberate: The Middle East in focus

Researchers from a wide range of disciplines and institutes deal with the Middle East as a central part of their work here at Freie Universität. This includes the Department of History and Cultural Studies, which offers Arabic studies, Semitic studies, Jewish studies, Islamic studies, Iranian studies, and Turcology, among others, as well as the Department of Political and Social Sciences , the Research Unit Peace and Conflict Studies, the Center for Middle Eastern and North African Politics, the Berlin Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research (INTERACT), and the Division for International Communication

These institutes and divisions work closely with one another. This means that students and doctoral candidates profit from the interdisciplinary nature of these collaborations and the diversity of the subjects on offer – for example, through the master’s degree program Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle East and the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies – which, in turn, reflect the diverse and complex nature of the geographical region itself.