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Marketing / Advertising

Dr. Michael Kleinaltenkamp
Professor of Business Administration

School of Business and Economics
Marketing Department

Arnimallee 11, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Business-to-business marketing
  • Added value structures
  • Management of business relations
  • Service management and marketing
  • Services

Dr. Sascha Raithel
Professor of Business Administration

School of Business and Economics
Business Administration
Marketing Department

Arnimallee 11, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Marketing
  • Market research
  • Consumer behavior and buying behavior
  • Intangible assets such as brand equity, brand image, reputation, or trust
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Brand crisis and corporate crisis
  • Advertising and advertising impact
  • The effect of marketing, advertising, or brands on the capital market, investors, financial analysts
  • (Sport)Sponsoring
  • Testimonials and celebrity endorsement as promotional and advertising advocates

Dr. Ulrich Rendtel
Professor of Statistics and Econometrics

School of Business and Economics
Statistics and Econometrics

Garystraße 21, 14195 Berlin

Areas of Expertise

  • Surveys
  • Missing values
  • Nonresponse
  • Panel surveys
  • Microcensus
  • Statistical consulting
  • Zensus 2011

Professor of Law Bettina Rentsch

Department of Law
Civil Law
Junior Professor for Civil Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law

Boltzmannstr. 3, 14195 Berlin

Please note

Interviews are possible in English, German and French.

Areas of Expertise

  • Private international law
  • International civil procedure
  • Harmonization of European private law
  • Corporate law
  • Social theory in business/corporate law
  • Anti-Semitism in private law
  • Feminist theory and private law