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Nobel Peace Prize – Winners include Researcher from Freie Universität

Meteorologist Prof. Ulrich Cubasch – One of the Main Contributors to the UN Climate Reports

№ 239/2007 from Oct 12, 2007

Prof. Dr. Ulbrich Cubasch

Prof. Dr. Ulbrich Cubasch
Image Credit: privat

Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, includes honoring the work of a researcher from Freie Universität Berlin.  Prof. Dr. Ulrich Cubasch from the Institute for Meteorology at Freie Universität was one of the main contributors to all four volumes of the climate report for the United Nations.

"I am very happy that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the UN Panel on Climate Change. It is a commendation for the entire team of scientists that worked on the reports," stated Cubasch. The four reports that have appeared since 1990, point out the consequences of global warming from a scientific point of view and make recommendations for policymakers.

Ulrich Cubasch has been a professor at the Institute for Meteorology at Freie Universität Berlin since 2002. One of his main areas of research is studying the interactions in the Earth's climate system. At Freie Universität he heads a research group on "Modeling the Climate System." Using climate models, Cubasch and his team reconstructed the climatic occurrences of the past millenia and using these data, made projections about climate for the next 500 years. It is the goal of their research to distinguish between anthropogenic and natural causes for their observed fluctuations and extreme events in climate.

The president of Freie Universität, Professor Dieter Lenzen, congratulated Ulrich Cubasch and Al Gore on the Nobel Prize. "It is an indication of the high quality of research at the Institute for Meteorology as well as of the major importance of this work for society."

Additional information may be obtained from:

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Cubasch, Tel.: 0151-58107399