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Max Born Prize for Physicist at Freie Universität

German-British Award for Professor Dr. Hagen Kleinert

№ 287/2007 from Dec 04, 2007

Prof. Dr. Hagen Kleinert

Prof. Dr. Hagen Kleinert
Image Credit: privat

The Max Born Prize for 2008 will be awarded to Professor Dr. Hagen Kleinert, a physicist at Freie Universität Berlin, for his outstanding work in particle and solid-state physics. Kleinert will receive the medal on January 24, 2008 in London. The Max Born Prize is awarded jointly by the U.K. Institute of Physics and the German Physical Society in honor of the work performed by the physicist and mathematician, Max Born, in Great Britain and Germany. The annual prize is awarded in alternating years to a British and a German physicist.

During the course of his career, Hagen Kleinert has studied in depth various areas in the field of physics, including the hydrogen atom, quarks, the melting process, polymers, liquid crystals, and biomembranes. At the basis of his work are the so-called path integrals – a universal mathematical method that is used in various disciplines of theoretical physics and even in econophysics. This is also demonstrated in his textbook, Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics, Statistics, Polymer Physics, and Financial Markets. It is the authoritative monograph in the field of path integrals.

Additional information may be obtained from:

Professor Dr. Hagen Kleinert, Institute for Theoretical Physics at Freie Universität Berlin, Telephone: + 49 (0)30 / 838-53034, Email: hagen.kleinert@physik.fu-berlin.de