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New German-Chinese Ph.D. Program at Freie Universität Berlin

№ 385/2008 from Dec 08, 2008

The Graduate School of Global Politics (GSGP) at Freie Universität Berlin has organized the first German-Chinese Ph.D. program in the social sciences. The program in cooperation with Fudan University Shanghai was initiated by Professor Dr. Klaus Segbers of the Center for Global Politics, Freie Universität Berlin. The Graduate School of Global Politics is accepting applications until January 15, 2009, for the spring term starting on April 1, 2009.

The three-year English-language Ph.D. program is intended for graduate students interested in writing a dissertation on globalization, institutionalization processes, the emergence of global governance structures, German-Chinese relations, or European-Chinese relations. The German-Chinese program accepts ten Ph.D. candidates per year, five being selected by Freie Universität and five by Fudan-Universität.

The program offers doctoral students binational supervision from professors of both universities and a research period at the partner university (6 to 12 months). It includes joint colloquia and courses on theories of international relations and methods in the social sciences. In addition, there are practical courses such as science management and communication. The curriculum includes both online and in-house courses and is guided by numerous professors of both universities as well as external scholars from many different countries. The Ph.D. students from Freie Universität Berlin will spend their research term abroad at Fudan University in Schanghai. During this period they will be supported with a fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). After successful completion of the program, including a dissertation, participants are granted the title, Dr. rer. pol. or Dr.phil., and receive a  certificate issued jointly by the two universities. The GSGP program is funded by DAAD within the framework of its PhD Net.

Additional information may be obtained from:

Bettina Rollow (Student Advisor)
Center for Global Politics | Freie Universität Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30 838 56021
Email: bettina.rollow@fu-berlin.de

Information regarding the program content, application prerequisites, and the online application form:
