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Adopt a Vortex as a Christmas Present

Institute of Meteorology at Freie Universität Sells Rights to Name High and Low Pressure Systems

№ 366/2009 from Dec 17, 2009

The meteorologists of Freie Universität Berlin still have a few highs and lows for 2010 that can be "adopted." For 299 euros a high can be given a male name; for 199 euros, a low can be give a female name. The proceeds from the weather sponsorships are used to support student weather observation at the Institute of Meteorology of Freie Universität Berlin.

Since 1954, the meteorologists of the Berliner Wetterkarte at the Institute of Meteorology at Freie Universität have been giving names to high and low pressure systems. Since 2002 any interested person has been able to participate in the naming process through the Adopt a Vortex program.

Further Information

  • Gera Rohlfing, Katrin Krüger, Tel.: +49 (0)30 /838-71226
    Email: wetterpate@met.fu-berlin.de
  • Petra Grasse, Thomas Dümmel, Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-71222