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Concert of Works by Young American Composers

Young Musicians at Freie Universität Berlin Compose Pieces for Piano, Violin, and Viola; Premiere on July 7, 2010, in the Concert Hall of the New Synagogue

№ 205/2010 from Jun 23, 2010

FUBiS, the International Summer and Winter University of Freie Universität Berlin, is hosting a concert of young American composers on Wednesday, July 7, 2010. The works were created as part of a six-week composition course at Freie Universität under the direction of Professor Samuel Adler (The Juilliard School, New York). The young composers wrote duets for piano and violin / viola. The works will now be performed for the first time in the concert “New Duos from America” in the concert hall of the New Synagogue by musicians from various universities in Berlin. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Admission is free. Please register in advance.

The second FUBiS term of 2010 is currently in session with 181 students from 18 countries. Most of them are from the United States. During the six-week program, they all take German language courses and other subjects and receive internationally recognized course credits. The third term begins on July 17.

Date and Location of the Concert:

  • Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 7:30 p.m. (The doors open at 6:30 to accommodate the security controls in the synagogue.)
  • Concert Hall of the New Synagogue, Oranienburger Str. 28/30, 10117 Berlin (S-Bhf. Oranienburger Straße, S1)

Further Information

For more information and ticket reservations please contact:

  • Jessica Heyder, Press and Public Relations, Tel: +49 (0)30 / 838 - 73 447
    Email: heyder@fubis.org
  • Tobias Nürnberg, Tel: +49 (0)30 / 838 - 73 448, Email: mail@fubis.org

