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First Place for Freie Universität Berlin in Internet Ranking

In the “Web Ranking of World Universities” Freie Universität Is Best in Germany

№ 251/2010 from Jul 27, 2010

Erneut gute Noten für den Internetauftritt der Freien Universität Berlin

Again, high marks for the website of Freie Universität Berlin
Image Credit: Freie Universität

Freie Universität Berlin achieved first place among German universities in the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (2/2010). The domain www.fu-berlin.de reached place 16 in the European comparison. For the German-speaking region of Europe, Freie Universität has the third-best university website just after Zurich and Vienna. Its worldwide rank is 100 out of almost 20,000 academic institutions.

For the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities more than 20,000 websites of universities and colleges were compared. The criteria for the ranking were the visibility of the site, search engine results, the linking, the number of citations in Google Scholar (that searches numerous academic servers), and the number of PDF documents, text documents, or presentation slides.

The university’s top position in the Webometrics website comparison was also confirmed in the current “4 International Colleges & Universities” ranking. In this case Freie Universität achieved first place in Germany, 15th in Europe, and 88th worldwide.

The domain www.fu-berlin.de, which has more than 155,000 websites and PDF documents, was also honored in May with the Web Dialogue Award by the Berlin-based IT company Infopark AG in the category “Contact & Communication.” Two features deserving particular mention for conferral of the Web Dialogue Award were customer service, i.e., the easy accessibility of contacts through contact forms and telephone hotlines, and the management of customer relationships.

Further Information

Emanuel Koulouris, Head of Online Editorial Department
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 838-731 93, Email: emanuel.koulouris@fu-berlin.de, Internet: www.fu-berlin.de