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Students Practice Diplomacy

Students Can Apply to Be Delegates in United Nations Simulation Conference in New York / Application Deadline: October 24, 2010

№ 290/2010 from Sep 28, 2010

The National Model United Nations, a simulation conference of the United Nations for college students, will be held from April 19 to 23, 2011, in New York. More than 4,000 participants from Europe, Asia, and North and South America are expected. Students attending Freie Universität and other universities in Berlin can apply to participate through the Department of Law.

At the National Model United Nations simulation conference, each college represents a UN member nation or a nongovernmental organization (NGO). The students act as delegates in simulated committees and organizations and work out resolutions and reports. The participants must act as diplomats representing their positions and gaining acceptance for them, while also being open to compromise. Part of their role is to safeguard the interest of the country or to represent the NGO. To conclude the conference, votes are taken at the General Assembly or the Economic and Social Council on selected resolutions.

The National Model United Nations is held in a Marriott Hotel in New York City, and some events take place in the headquarters of the United Nations. The conference language is English. Students of any discipline can apply through October 24 to participate in this event. Participating students will be required to contribute approximately 700 euros to help defray expenses.

Freie Universität’s annual participation in the National Model United Nations simulation conference is organized by the Model UN/Model EU group under Professor Dr. Philip Kunig in the Department of Law. An interdisciplinary seminar will be held during the fall/winter semester in preparation for the simulation conference.

Further Information

Application / Fees:

  • Application deadline: October 24, 2010
  • Cost for students: 700 euros
  • Application guidelines online: www.fu-berlin.de/mun

For further information, please contact:

Peggy Wittke
Director of MUN/MEU
Department of Law, Freie Universität Berlin
Tel.: +49 0(3)0 / 838-54705
Email: peg@zedat.fu-berlin.de