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Appointed to Chinese Committee on Environmental Protection

Political Scientist at Freie Universität Berlin Advises Chinese Government on Environmental Issues

№ 254/2011 from Aug 04, 2011

Martin Jänicke, a political scientist at Freie Universität Berlin, has been appointed to a committee that advises the Chinese government on environmental protection. The panel of experts from China and from Western countries aims to develop measures designed to mitigate environmental pollution and its consequences in China. Commitment to environmental protection is one of four focus points of the current Five Year Plan (2011 to 2015). Following the motto "Let us create a society that conserves resources and is sustainable," the committee will formulate concrete goals for clean air, water protection, climate protection, and recycling.

The team of experts consists of six Chinese and six Western scientists. It is expected to develop measures and submit them to the Chinese State Council by the end of 2012. The committee met for the first time in late July in Beijing. Its members include the director of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) responsible for environmental issues and the former deputy minister of China's environmental agency.

Martin Jänicke is the founding director of Freie Universität Berlin's Environmental Policy Research Centre. Since 1974 he has been a policy adviser on environmental issues, including being a member of the German Advisory Council on the Environment. The retired professor of comparative analysis at the Department of Political and Social Sciences is still active in several advisory councils for environmental research.

Further Information

Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke, Environmental Policy Research Center, Freie Universität Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 / 8325315, Email: hauptman@zedat.fu-berlin.de