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Freie Universität Berlin Strengthens Ties with Alumni in India

Annual Alumni Meetings Will Be Held to Promote Networking

№ 366/2011 from Nov 25, 2011

Freie Universität Berlin is putting new efforts into alumni relations. For a start, annual meetings for alumni are being planned in various Indian cities. They will be arranged by Freie Universität’s Liaison Office in the capital, New Delhi. A few days ago the first of these meetings was held there with 40 persons attending. Many of them hold influential positions in academia, business, and politics.

The meetings will focus on specific topics, in particular from the fields of the humanities and environmental sciences. In these two subject areas there are already research collaborations between Freie Universität and Indian partners. The university is also responding to the desire expressed by many alumni for closer relations with their alma mater. The Internet presence of the Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin will be used as an information platform to facilitate this exchange.

The international network of Freie Universität comprises seven liaison offices located in New Delhi, Beijing, Brussels, Cairo, New York, Moscow, and São Paulo. The liaison office teams support the university’s researchers by providing access to regional expertise and local contacts. They also promote alumni relations.

Further Information

Ulrich Podewils, Liaison Office of Freie Universität Berlin in New Delhi, Email: delhi@fu-berlin.de